Taos Opera Institute Presents: An Evening with Jamie Barton, Internationally-Acclaimed…
Alessandro DeAngelis
I have 30 years experience in classical music and jazz theory. Studied at the Nice Regional Conservatory in France. Awarded 5 national awards mostly in Marseilles and Paris including one in Valle d’Aosta, Italy and one at Salle Gaveau (where Chopin and Liszt performed recitals)
NYU Young Composer’s Award recipient in 2000, one of two Nationwide. Studied Film Music at NYU campus in Florence, Italy under Brave Zickovic.
Keyboardist for Yanbo from 2002-2012 (World Fusion Group) in Orlando, Florida.
Played the Latin Film festival and Global Peace Film Festival 2004-2006.
Currently setting the 1934 WPA Taos Murals to Picturesque tableaux for piano and piano/voice. This would be ideally intended to be performed at the displays of these frescoes in the old courthouse of the Taos Plaza, NM.
Website: www.reverbnation.com/alix6
You Tube: www.youtube.com/alessandrodeangelis
Email: Fusionpower2007@gmail.com
Phone: 863-604-9341
Mailing Address: 220 Albright St, Taos, NM, 87571
Primary Contact: Cortina Fazzini
Organization Type: Individual, Group
Availability: Personal Instruction